Being with Doughnut Economics

A three-hour exploration of economics as ecological, adopting the lens of Doughnut Economics.

This workshop was designed to take nearly 40 educational policy makers from Isreal through the following journey:

1.  Exploring themselves as ecological.
2. Exploring economics as ecological.
3. Exploring Doughnut Economics as a useful lens to widen our gaze beyond the personal.

The 3-hour workshop design was:

1.  Introduction and Inclusive Welcome, a Deep Democracy practice (15 mins)
2. 'Humans as ecological' immersive visualisation (10 mins)
3. Doughnut Economics intro: This included some history of the birth of the Doughnut, meeting the Doughnut as individuals, connecting economics with their lived experience of being ecological, sharing some of the Doughnut work in the world, and noting the core questions at the heart of much regenerative work:
      1. How are we being, individually and collectively?
      2. What matters to us, individually and collectively?
      3. What worldviews do we see the world through, individually and collectively?
      4. What are the tools, processes, and actions that align the above?
(20 mins)
4. Step into the Doughnut exercise (45 mins)
5. Break (15 mins)
6. Sparking Connections exercise (45 mins)
7. Small group sharings (30 mins)
8. Full group close (5 mins)

All products from DEAL integrated into session materials were shared as DEAL materials.

1. Having a lived experience of their own ecological nature gave people a deeply moving and personal route into economics (which can often feel outside of us and our lives).
2. We ran over during the earlier sections and didn't have as much time for the small group sharings as we'd have liked, and those sharings were important to synthesis the day's experiences.
3. Giving participants a glimpse into the different work taking place in the world linked through DEAL was inspiring.





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